
Common things are common !

Much of the work I do seems to come from the issues that develop in a dog's knee.
Most commonly we see cruciate ligament ruptures, but some breeds, usually the smaller dogs, often get wobbly kneecaps.
We also tend to see quite a few developmental problems in joints like the elbow and hip, and then in older patients may need to deal with the impact of arthritis.

Cats mainly end up seeing me when they use up one of their lives misjudging a moving car.
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Cruciate ruptures

This condition Is probably the most common problem that dogs will acquire in their back legs.

It remains a frustrating condition for vets and owners alike because we cannot avoid it, and we don't really understand why dogs develop this condition so frequently. 

Many surgeries have been developed to manage the problem and I tend to base my decisions on the patient's size and shape rather than just having on solution for every patient no matter what.
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Luxating patella

When you see small terriers skipping whilst running and walking, this is very often the cause.
The kneecap flips into the wrong place, often with no associated pain at all, and they bend their leg rather than straightening it. 
We don't always need to deal with these surgically, but when dogs can't get around as well as they should, we can correct the problem.
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Broken bones

Accidents happen.

Some of my best days are immediately following your pet's worst day. Managing to put a broken limb back together can be the best of all surgeries, although often involves some cursing during surgery, and plenty of planning prior to surgery. 

Learn more about fracture repairs.....
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